It was also the wrong time for P.M.S., and subsequent Aunt Flow, just as a side note.
As I mentioned the other day, Ryne's abdominal x-ray showed an enlarged spleen and liver. We finally got the ultrasound results back, and thankfully those measurements came back normal. We are grateful for those results, but at the same time, we are wondering what in the heck is wrong with him.
We met again with the Dr. this morning. While the Dr. is taking it seriously, he also started asking how everything was at home for Ryne. He talked about how the tests haven't come back with any explanation for the stomach pain, and maybe it's related to anxiety about the move, new school, etc. I told him that's what I thought at first, but it's simply not the case. I see him every day. He's sick. He started in on the results again, and I told the Dr., look we are both frustrated, but there is something wrong with my son. This is not in his head. The Dr. said he was going to run the same blood tests they did 2 weeks ago to see if anything had changed. He also ordered an upper G.I. for next week. He prescribed medicine that would treat an ulcer or gastroenderitis (or whatever it's called), on top of the acid reflux meds Ryno's on. The Dr. said, if Ryne didn't feel better in 2 weeks, he would refer him to the Children's Hospital in . I told him 2 weeks seemed like way too long, that Ryne is suffering. I hated having to ask those questions and be demanding, but it was necessary. The Dr. agreed to get an opinion from the Children's Hospital today, to make sure we were on the right path. I don't understand why we have to fight the way we do to get the care for our kids that they deserve. I don't get it. I left the Dr.'s office so frustrated and spent.
I stayed home with Ryne until Brian got home, and then I ran out to get his homework and prescription. At the last second, I decided to take Jesse with me. Yesterday, it all got to me and I didn't get her out or get my steps in. So, we went for our walk through the forest and around the lake. It was cold and rainy, but it was just what we both needed. Boy, was it ever.
Ryne's Dr. called tonight to let me know today's blood test came back all negative. Again, what a huge sigh of relif. But...ugh....need to know what's hurting him. Ryne's Dr. assured me that if it was some of the most serious of things, it would show up on those tests. So, tonight I breathe a little sigh of relief. I have to have faith in those words.
All I really want to do right now, is open a bottle of wine and watch Grey's Anatomy. BUT.... I have cleaning to do, and I really need to call my Mom back. It's getting late. My dear friend Misty is coming over to visit tomorrow. So, I guess it's smart for me to lay off the bottle tonight, since I'm sure we'll be feeling no pain come tomorrow afternoon. Look, I could lie and say tomorrow night, but I'm sure we'll get an early start :)
I hope you all are well. Have a wonderful weekend!
Much Love,