I've been wanting to write so badly lately, well, needing to write would probably be more accurate. My head has been swimming with ideas and crazy thoughts as usual. Life just gets so busy sometimes, that we can't seem to make ourselves stop and do things for ourselves. For me, it's writing. The problem with writing is, even though it might be something I'm craving and thinking about all of the time, actually getting it out there is a whole different situation. Sometimes there's just too much stuff floating around up there, and it wouldn't make sense to anyone else-because I usually can't make sense of it myself. Other times, it all feels too raw to talk about. And others, while I might have a blog or change to the book completely written in my head, there just isn't any alone time to get it done. Let me tell you something, it's awfully hard to write when there's a full house. But here I am tonight...making the time before Brian gets home from work. And speak of the devil, he just walked in the door. Today, has been crazy busy as has every day lately. Work, then I had to leave a little early for a meeting with the school for Caleb, then I took Cal to the park, while I walked Jesse. It was cut short, though, as Ryne's football practice got out early, and I needed to pick him up. From there, we had dinner, and then I went to H.S. open house. Let me tell you my takeaway from the h.s. All of the teachers I met seemed really great, but when I sat in the algebra orientation, I could not quit thinking about every single thing, other than what was going on in front of me. Yep, even just sitting in front of a math teacher tunes me out. It's a wonder I had math anxiety growing up.
I rec'd my final draft of the book from my editor today. I've gone through and read any notes she had in the margins, but tomorrow I'll tackle it. I'm ready for the next step, but that will cost money, and although we planned on buying a house next summer-it may happen now. Sooo...that changes a lot of things. Oh, yeah, and I have a vacation in 3 weeks. Shit. Not great timing for it all, but hopefully it all will happen for a reason. Right?
Okay, Brian needs the computer for his fantasy football draft. But at least I got a taste of what I've been wanting, although I really didn't have a point to anything.
I'll leave you with Hands Clean. I heard it on my way to work tomorrow, and it took me back to a very specific time with a friend and something she went through. We talked about this song a lot, years later. But it's her story to tell, or keep to herself, as she has. But this song is dead on. Hope you like it. You can't go wrong with Alanis!
Oh shit-almost forgot: 4 weeks, less than a pound lost. My fault, and I'm disappointed with myself, but I was much less disappointed, when my period hit in the middle of the night that same night-1 week early. So, I can live with it.
Oh, and I'm way old. I asked a friend if she wanted to see No Doubt with me, and she asked "Who is No Doubt." wtf?! God, I'm old.
"Just make sure you don't tell on me especially to members of your family
We best keep this to ourselves and not tell any members of our inner posse
I wish I could tell the world 'cause you're such a pretty thing when you're done up properly
I might want to marry you one day if you watch that weight and keep your firm body"