Friday I flew into Denver to see my friend, Amy. We've been friends for over 20 years now. We became friends while playing on the basketball team at Clark College in '91, but actually met at a party the year before through an Alaska connection. Anyway, we've been friends all these years, but a really cool thing happened as the years went by. We became closer and closer friends as time went by. So, at this point in our lives/friendship we've done quite a bit of travelling together, I guess. This was my third Denver trip, but it was different than the others. This time we actually started our first night by staying at a nice hotel downtown Denver. It was pretty cool to hang out down there. All of the other times, we've just gone down to see a ballgame or what not. It was cool to kind of take in the city a little bit. Well, as much as one can for being asleep by 10:30 that night. haha. What rock stars. Drinking on an empty stomach will get you every time. Maybe we'll actually learn one day.
The next couple of nights we camped just a few miles away from Red Rocks. I literally haven't tent camped since I was in h.s. For years I didn't think I'd want to, but in later years I've been trying to get Brian to go, but he hasn't been game for it. Thank God Amy's an experienced camper. She knew how to put up the tent and stuff. She also had all sorts of cool camping garb. Our first day was super relaxing. We chatted in our site and had a few beers. We then went to the camp lake, had a couple more beers, while chatting and playing music trivia. It was here that I got one mother of a sun burn. The fucking thing still hurts, but at the same time is now starting to itch. Not a good combo! After the lake, we went back to the site and Amy built a fire and cooked dinner. Way, way cool. We just sat around and listened to music (as we did the whole trip). We have pretty much the exact same taste in music. We'd listen to a little bit of new stuff, but mostly, we'd listen to cheesy 70's music and classic country. Just hanging out listening to good music is about my favorite thing. We managed to stay up later that night, maybe midnight or so (oh yes, after she beat me all 7 games or whatever of Gin Rummy...mofosob). It was really a nice day.
Sun. is where it started to get a bit busy. Amy once again cooked for us (which is great, because she is such a healthy eater). After I ate, and thought my slight hangover was starting to subside, we went on about a 2 hour hike. Oh man, was it beautiful! I could've stayed out there all day. Absolutely loved it. After the hike, we got ready for the surprise that Amy had in store for me: tickets to see the Broncos play at Mile High Stadium. Booya! What a fantastic surprise. I've always wanted to see Peyton Manning play live. Too cool. We had a blast at the game, but then had to rush back to get to the Bonnie Raitt concert at Red Rocks. We decided to forego the opening act, and swill down a few beers. It was at this time that we also "shot the root." OMG.....I hadn't done that probably since I was 19 or so, and it was probably with Amy and her hubby Chuck. Chuck loves to shoot the root! Anyway, how you do it is: pour a beer into a pint glass and then drop in a shot glass full of rootbeer Schnapps. It fizzes up and you end up chugging it. It tastes just like root beer. Well, some 20 some years later, it didn't turn out quite like it used to. We "split" a beer, and we didn't have any shot glasses, so we just did a tall pour of the Schnapps. We tried to chug, but really that only lasted about a second each. We then sipped it until it was gone. It was damn good, though. And as the ppl hanging out several cars away can attest, it gives you the greatest burps! We then headed up to the show, and turned our 55th row tickets into 6th row center, simply by acting like that was our rightful place. Oh man, it was so cool being so close to Bonnie. She was simply fantastic. Would see her again in a heartbeat! And I'll also tell you that I've been to so many concerts that I've pretty much seen it all. But there is absolutely nothing as stunning as the concert setting at Red Rocks. Phenomenal! After the show, we headed back and as we were driving through town we noticed a bar was open. And what do you know....they were doing karaoke! What good fortune! Amy (or Sheryl w/ an S as she known at karaoke) was able to sing a couple of songs. It was a great time, but upon further reflection I really should not have drank anymore after we got to the bar. I paid for it dearly the next morning.
Once again, I was treated to a campfire breakfast my last morning in town. Thankfully after enough cocconut water, my tummy was ready for food. It truly saved me. Was not feeling well at all.... It was a long trip home that day. I arrived at DIA at 12:30 their time, but didn't actually get to my house until 9 p.m. It was harder than hell to get up for work in the moring. It's now Thursday, and I'm still paying for it. My sleep is way screwed up. Thank God for the 3 day weekend coming up. I'm looking forward to lots of rest :)
I know some of you were curious about the trip, so I hope you enjoyed the summary of it all. I also thought it was a good idea for me to write it all out, as it becomes more and more evident every day, that my memory is getting worse and worse. And you know the only person I know with as bad of memory as me? That would be Amy. So, hopefully one day I'll be able to read this back and become reminded of one of my favorite weekends ever.
Switching gears....tomorrow's entry will be much more plan/food related. My cousin Holley (one of my fave ppl ever), really gave me some encouraging words today. I love how much she believes in me. I'm really taking it to heart. Until tomorrow, my friends.