Most of yesterday went pretty good. I guess it was good until I went on a nice walk (about an hour and 15). It was 83 out, and it felt so good to get some Vit D on my skin. But as the walk went on, I just started missing everyone. I love to entertain, and I love hanging out w/ family or friends on nice days like that. It just made me miss anyone more than usual. It definitely made me sad.
We are just so far away from everyone. So, of course, then my mind has to plan
out the rest of our lives in that moment. I was thinking we should move to Central WA (which is one of the main areas Brian wants to move). That
way we could be close to the ‘Couv, but even closer to my sisters. I really miss them. In the light of day today, though, again I’m still thinking Denver.
It’s not a bad flight to go home and visit from there. I really just want to be somewhere that the weather will be ideal. For what Brian and I like, I think it’s
our best bet. I find it gorgeous out there. But ugh…. I guess it doesn’t matter for now, we are still here. Still no friends… What a whiny b!tch I am today. If I were reading this, I’d be like, shut the f! up. Anyway, in a not so small nutshell, I was thrown for a loop last night. Then the cramps were crippling me, and it made it all worse…. But anyway, I have a phone date w/ one of my closest tonight, so hopefully I’ll get my friend fix in that way. I just wish it were over a
beer (at least for me). She’d be throwing back wine like it was attached to a wine bong. I say that for her benefit, as she reads this daily.
So, today is kind of like yesterday. For the most part I’m doing okay. I’ve had terrible food on my mind all day, but have made some decent decisions, as well as some poor ones. I started the day w/ a banana and a Diet Coke (f’ing heroin), then later I had a plain packet and an apple packet of instant oatmeal w/ water. For lunch I had a can of Progresso veggie lentil soup. I didn’t care
for it all that much. I need to make some. Along w/ the soup I had a f’ing can of Pepsi…. This afternoon I’ve had another banana, and just finished another can of Pepsi. Oh, and I almost forgot…I had a tiny slice of homemade banana cream pie. That was especially dumb, since I just bought the ingredients to make one at home (with Silken tofu). Tonight should be a decent dinner. I plan on being better. Well, at least I hope. I made a cake for the kids last night, along w/ cookies for the week. I always guilt myself when I travel or can’t be home with them when they’re on vacation (Spring Break).
I need to stop doing that. Buying love w/ food is just pathetic.
Well, I should head out for my 1 hour commute. F’ing thing.
Have a great night!