In the same line of thinking...I've known I've had to do something about this weight. I've not been taking care of myself lately, and quite frankly, I just haven't been feeling well. I know that food when mindfully eaten is medicine, but when there's nothing but mindless eating, it really takes a toll, mentally and physically. My body has been screaming, what in the fuck are you doing to me? for a few months now. So, I took a pretty drastic step. I haven't been able to do this on my own, so I listened to a friend and a program she's currently on and decided I'd better try it. It's funny, usually when I start something, I feel ready for it...stoked...but not this time. I just feel like, I have to... Maybe that will work...maybe that's the thing that will stick. It's essentially just smart eating, with accountability. I have to meet with the weight loss specialist each week and weigh in. Once a month my measurements will be taken. I met my weight loss specialist, today, for the first time. (I'd done the intake labs, etc last weekend). I know three people who have done this program, and all three told me, "You'll love her. She has a foul mouth." Eh, well, I guess they know me ;) I did like her, but more than anything, I sat there in shame. It's hard to have somebody see the weight you try so hard to avoid thinking about or showing, let alone spending an hour talking about. I came away from the appointment, feeling I going to shit the bed? Make a fool out of myself? In true fatass fashion, I was then hard on myself...for getting to this place. A funny thing happened, though...a friend was excited I was doing this. We sat down together and went over a plan to kind of go through this together. This gal doesn't have much to lose. I think she's shooting for 10 pounds. But she spoke to me as an equal and a partner in this. That goes a long, long way. I feel great, that she and I are going to bring a healthy lunch a couple of times a week to share. My friend Marie, who turned me onto this program will also be a great source of motivation. She lost 10 pounds in her first week. How fucking awesome is that?! Anyway, reluctantly, I'm getting going. I hit my calories today, which I'm proud of, since the counselor kept talking about starting tomorrow, and the fatass thinking was shit tons today. Hopefully I'll get more excited as this goes fact, I'm sure I will. So, I'm here to tell you, if this fatass can start, even while kicking and screaming, you can start this, too. We can be a support system for each other :) Thanks for being here through it all. Writing is so therapeutic for me. I'm so very grateful for this outlet.
Hopefully there are some stars for you to watch tonight. Make sure to make your wish.
I'll leave you with a song a friend recently turned me onto. Just plain good writing.