So, I don't think I've written anything since Thurs. Sorry about that. I knew I wouldn't have time on Friday, and then I totally spaced yesterday. So, I'll tell you how Friday started. Our babysitter hadn't gotten back to me the day before. I was really getting kind of nervous, even though we'd spoken just a couple of days before about the summer and babysitting the kids. We'd had it arranged with her for the past 2 months. She's really good with the boys. She and Cal seem to have a really special connection. Anyway, back to Friday... I left for work, not having heard back from her. We've left the boys for short periods of time before, but I wasn't at all comfortable with the possiblity of them being alone all day. I text her Mom early that morning and it takes a couple of hours before she gets back to me. Her Mom tells me that "S" is still sleeping and she's not really sure what her summer plans are. She says things have been really "chaotic." I was going fucking nuts in my office when I read that. I text back that "S" had committed to watching the boys, and if that was no longer the plan, I need to know right away, so I get something set up for them. Her Mom texts me back, saying she's sorry, that she's getting married in 3 weeks and she doesn't know if they're moving and if they are, when.... She said she would have "S" call me. I went fucking ballistic. I sat in my office throwing a total fit. What a bunch of bullshit. This woman is a responsible single Mom. I can't believe the gall to "apologize" the DAY HER DAUGHTER WAS SUPPOSED TO START. I still haven't heard from "S," and I'm sure I won't. Today is Sunday.... So, at this point, I don't know what we will do for daycare. Brian had to take half of Friday off. Why did I go back to work? Oh yeah, for money and to get out of the house.... I regret that decision big time now. I do like my job, and I believe they like me. But they are not supportive of when I've had appt's for Caleb. I was upfront before I took the job, about Cal's needs, and that I would be taking time off for his appt's, etc. So, when we took the morning off a couple of weeks ago, to visit the schools for the boys, I was none to happy to get a text from my boss at 10:30 a.m. saying the Ops Mgr was wanting to know when I was going to be in. (I was on my way) I knew I had to get back, so they could all go golfing.... No job is ever going to be perfect, but I don't know that I'll be able to live with things like that. The boys will always come first.
So, Friday was exceptionally frustrating, as we were going into the first day of summer vacation, with no babysitter. I decided I'd go on the Adopt A Highway clean-up that some ppl were doing from work. It meant I'd get to leave a little early, socialize with people I don't normally work closely with, and it meant free food and drinks afterward. I was also hoping the work would undwind me a little bit. Really, it didn't. But the alcohol sure did. There was about 15 of us, inc the Ops Mgr and the other head guy (for the life of me I can't remember his title, but he's up in the office). Drinks were flowing and it was soon evident that we were all on our way to getting trashed. I was very uncomfortable sitting next to the Ops Mgr. I really don't have an opinion on him, except there are a couple of things that bother me about him, but this isn't the forum. Overall, though, he's fine enough. He, along with everyone else kept talking about how "quiet" I am. I know, me, quiet? It's how the ppl I work with always perceive me to be. This is funny, b/c I know how loud and obnoxious I am. And guess what, they all got to see it, too. Soon, I was pretty smashed and referring to the Ops Mgr as a "bitch." Of course, it was to his face, and I was saying it in a mocking manner, but as he pointed out he's not used to be talked to like that. I continued to give him shit all night. Mounds of shit.... In fact, I gave a lot of ppl shit. It's what I do ; ) At the same time, he was bound and determined to make me like him. For some reason, he thinks I don't. But anyway, I had a really, really great time. I really like some of the folks there. I have to tell you, though. It is the gayest place ever. Mostly men work in the 2 areas I'm in most, and if you see one of the Maint. guys drop something and another one's near, odds are he's going to get a mock butt fucking from the other guy. The first time I saw it, I nearly died. They've also all too eagerly demonstrated the "Father Nelson" joke for me (I'm apparently the only person on earth, that didn't know it. Some of the guys even do Indian Leg Wrestling when we are at the bar. Oh, I give the guys shit like you woudn't believe for this behavior. I've never seen straight men act like this. I guess I've only know homophobic men before coming to work at IRE. But I must say, Friday night, I witnessed the gayest thing ever. They have a name for a game, but I can't remember it, but really it's "open mouthed, chicken." Grown men moving toward each other with open mouths until one pulls away first, and is the loser. I explained to them, that I don't see how anyone wins playing that game. They wanted me to play with them, which I feined disgust by, but if I weren't married, I'd rock that game. lmao. Anyway, it was a super fun night, and hopefully any too drunken things I might've done, will have faded from the other drunken memories before we go back to work on Tues. I will say this to you, though....not only to you, but a promise to myself. I will not drive again after I've had anything to drink. It doesn't matter how many waters I sit there and have, I'm giving my keys away, and having a plan, before even walking in next time. I'm an idiot and "pulled a Jen," as my friends call it. I told one person I was leaving (I used to not tell anyone, but then my friends would get really pissed), and I told him not to say anything until I was gone for a few mins. When I'm done, I'm done. I just want to leave. I don't want anyone trying to get me to stay. Of course, I get a call about 15 mins after I leave, with the wtf? I had drank lots of water, but I'm a bad judge of how affected I am. Stupid in any situation, but esp. when there's an hour drive to get home.
Yesterday, Brian, Cal and I went into town to run some errands and have lunch. Ryne wanted to stay home (he absolutely hates going grocery shopping), but Cal was super excited to have both of his parents to himself :) We also ordered Cal some new regular eye glasses and some prescription sports goggles (the surgeon insisted on them for any sports he's going to play). Baseball starts this week. Although, Brian and I are very apprehensive about him playing (Brian doesn't want him to at all), I don't want to overprotect Caleb. We do it too much, and we need to let him be a kid in anyway he wants. Anyway, it was a nice family day. It was also a great day of reconnecting for me and my hubby.
And here we are, Sunday night into a 3 day weekend. Today has been simply fantastic. I've spent the bulk of the day, reading (my most relaxing thing). I really needed a day like today. My resolve was to not leave the house (esp no driving...I'm begining to hate being in the car), and I've succeeded! I finished the third in the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy tonight, and it was my favorite of the 3 books. It was so nice to stay in the a/c and just relax. It was 93 degrees out, last I checked at 9:00. Plus, it's nasy ass humidity out here. I honestly had no idea what humidity was before we moved out here. It's going to be a long summer. It totally messes with my hair, and sometimes it's so bad your glasses fog up the second you walk out the door. Yesterday, I literally had sweat around my hairline, just walking from Walmart out to our car. Speaking of hair.....I don't know what in the fuck is going on, but I can't seem to go a day without finding some long, nasty black hair coming off my upper lip, chin, or neck. Really? My hormones are so f'd up. Even today, Brian was asking how much longer on my period, and he said they used to not be so bad for you. In fact, you could go a couple of months in between. Ah, the good 'ol days. I had to break it to him that his wife was now getting old, and my body is changing. Ugh. I guess I'm no longer a trophy wife. LMAO! (btw, I was just re-reading this, and pulled a lovely black hair from my cheek...for real.)
Hope that leaves you with a smile. Sorry for rambling today, but I enjoyed it. Hope you don't have to work tomorrow, and that if you have someone in your family that is military related you're able to tell them how proud you are of them. As I am so proud of my cousin Chase.... We were all so scared when he went into the army, but thankfully it looks like his tours are now over (knock on wood), and he'll finish everything out on U.S. soil.
God Bless,