I haven't had a regular soda in a week and a half :) Yay me! I wish I were off the diet soda, but I'm not there, yet. I am happy to be off the Pepsi, though. I've been drinking about 1 can of diet a day, which is way down from my previous soda consumption. So, I'll take pride in where I am as far as that goes. I've been walking M-F, since last Monday with my friend Jackie. We've been walking for about an hour or so. Today is the first morning I've missed. I've got hella cramps. PMS is beating the shit out of me. I'll still get my steps in, though. I've already been gathering tree limbs in the yard, from a wind storm this week. It's taken out 2 trees in the back, and there is tree debris everywhere.... I want to get everything cleared out before we contact the crazy landlord about the trees. Anyway, I realize these don't sound like huge changes, but for me, and where I'm coming from, I know that these are the first necessary steps I needed to take. I'm glad I care enough to take them...
My friend Laura and her friend are on their way to Boston right now. Laura invited me, and she was even kind enough to let me tag along for free. Oh man, how tempting! They're even going to Niagara Falls, which is on my bucket list. But even with free gas and accommodations, a trip still costs money. So, I actually made a responsible decision, and declined. Once again, it sucks being a grown up! :) But I'll tell you what, it made my heart full to have someone want me to be on their trip like that.
I'm still getting used to IL again. I already really miss WA. A couple of weeks ago, I would've spent the weekend at the Gorge seeing Tom Petty. Tom Freaking Petty! Ah man. But I'm trying to make the most of it here. I had a wonderful lunch with my friend Lynn last Fri. It was so nice to see her again. There are nice things about IL, but I just have to keep reminding myself of them :)
I started a women's only fantasy football league today. I played in one last year, and it was my fave league. I loved how many girls had never played and how much they enjoyed it. So, I thought, what the heck, I'll run one this year. Anyway, I'm getting super stoked. Football starts a week from today. Go Seahawks! Now, football will make living in IL, easier. haha.
I hope you're all having a great day. I hope the day find you hopeful and happy.
Oh, here are the lyrics to Please Come to Boston. We all know this song, but it's been running through m