As I mentioned, Karl and I work together. I'm really terrible with what ppl's titles are, but Karl is our Environmental guy. He has to work with the EPA, and everything that involves keeping our plant safe, for our employees and the enviornment. Karl is about 10 years younger than me, but right from the get go, we hit it off. The first time we were all out for drinks, we played f/m/kill. It's his favorite game, as is mine. For both of us, I think the game is all about the story you can come up with and the reasons why.
In the short time I've known Karl, I've really learned a lot from him. He can be a moody fuck, but over all he's one of the most positive ppl I've ever known. He hates living in Il, but he and his wife are keeping the eye on the prize (leaving), and have the most wonderful of ideas where to go. They are all about nature. They backpacked all over Europe for a few months, when they were younger. I love that they know what they want their life to be, and that's what they keep working towared. His wife is going to be done with her Master's next year, and they keep their dreams real, all with a 1 1/2 year little girl. I love that. I love that they aren't letting themselves get lost in this thing called, adulthood and the expectations of it. It's so refreshing to find ppl that are really living their lives for themselves. I just know that we'll all still be friends long after we've all moved our separate ways. It's so cool when you find ppl like that.
But anyway, I think I'm going to steal one of Karl's little things that he does to keep himself happy, to keep himself dreaming. He buys an IL lotto tix, or one of those things that the payouts supposedly always around 4 mil. around 3 times a week, as that's how many drawings they have. So, he says for that $1, he gets to dream of travelling and doing something that he really enjoys for those 2 days. Then it starts all over. He'd love to go back to school and get some degree that has to do with the study of birds (wtf?). That would make him happy. So, I like the idea of just spending $3 a week to let myself day dream a little. Dreaming never hurt anyone, right? I never dream of being rich, but I do dream of feeling financially secure. More importantly, financially secure without having to work at a job that leaves me feeling empty.
One last thing about my new friend. He lent me the Harry Potter books. I've never had any sort of interest in that series. I've never seen the movies, I've thought a series about a wizard or whatever the hell that kid is seems silly and for children. Yes, I've still thought this even as many of my friends have highly recommended the series. But Karl has a such a passionate way of talking about the things that he loves, that he's talked me into reading them. I'm entirely way too serious for the most part, so I'm trying to take a couple of pages from Karl's book so to speak. But if these books suck, I'll think less of Karl. j/k
So enough about this Karl character. Oh, in case you're wondering, Brian is very fine with the friendship Karl and have, as is Karl's wife. It's a genuine friendship, and of course the ppl that love us most in this world are just glad that we have another friend (esp in IL). Today, the sun is out, and the wind is calm. It's been a while since it's been like that around here. It went from super hot to very cold overnight. So, we'll be spending the day in Rockford with the boys. Ryne needs some more short and t-shirts for basketball practices, along with clothes in general. The kid is growing like a weed. Cal needs a few things, including a Halloween costume, and Brian needs new work boots. I think today will be a blast. We'll also pick up some much needed groceries. I like it when the kids are part of that process. Brian has been working a lot of hours, so it will be wonderful that we have him all to ourselves today, with no threat of getting called into work. I'm sure later, B and I will even be able to get out and get a walk in. Love it. I'm excited for today. I'm excited for life. I'm excited for the love that I feel in this house.
Hope you all have a fantastic weekend!