Happy 3 Day weekend! Just knowing you have that extra day makes all the difference. The rush that is every day life is slowed today. I took my time getting up this morning. I made a late breakfast, and I've needed to put my load of laundry into the dryer now for like an hour...Usually, this would make me crazy, but today, I sit here writing, just twenty feet from the laundry room-letting the clothes sit. Should I give an extra day off this kind of power in my life? No, I should probably approach every weekend like this, but life it too busy....we fight it, and try to slow it down, but life just doesn't allow for it most of the time. So, we left this weekend fairly open. Other than looking at a few houses, we have no definite plans, and I love it.
I will work on the book this weekend, but that is mostly a labor of love. My editor went back through it yet again this week and made a few more suggestions. I can't even think of how this book process would've gone, had I not found her. She really is one of those people that I was meant to meet (although it's all been phone and email) in this life. A couple of weeks ago, I even received a nice little package from her with things completely unrelated to my book. She's such a sweet, genuine, soul. We are nearing the finish line of this project, but it has to stall here for a couple of months or so. Buying a house a year earlier than planned, definitely changes things financially. The house will have to come before everything. Putting a hold on the book isn't the worst thing in the world. Maybe I'll have a renewed energy once I come back to it. I really have to psych myself up to be someone who pushes this book. It will all be on me, and that's a terrible feeling for someone who just doesn't have that kind of self esteem. I do believe in this book though...so maybe I'll find a passion and voice inside me that I didn't know existed when the time comes.
Brian has just come off of working 8 days straight. It was a crazy busy time as the boys had just gone back to school, open houses, practices, games, house stuff, bank stuff, book, work, blah, blah, blah. But last weekend was really fantastic. I went to Chicago to visit my cousin Jouni for a night. She took me to a house party, and I met some really fun people. It had been ages since I'd played beer pong. It was also great to spend some time with Jouni. She'll be moving soon, and I'll sure miss having her live so close.
The next morning my friend Amy came to Chicago. She had a work trip planned for the week, so she came a day early so we could spend the day/evening together. We went to see the Mariners play the White Sox. We ended up tailgating into the 4th quarter. I tell you what, we make fun in whatever we do. This is now the third baseball stadium we've been to. We had really great Bloody Mary's (one of the benefits of going to a game so late is you end up with box seats from a scalper for next to nothing) at the game. I love a good Bloody Mary, but I don't think I'd had one for a year and a half. It was a beautiful day out. The weather has been so crazy, so we really lucked out. From there, we just hung out at the room for a while before going to a pretty cool bar that was in walking distance of the hotel (of course, we essentially took a walking tour of Chicago trying to get there-we get lost walking to a corner, I swear). The day was really great. Amy's just one of those people that I always have fun with. She makes me laugh harder than anyone I know. It was a much needed day, free of responsibility, free of the stress of everyday life. We have had a lot of fun trips together, but that day is right up there with the best of them. I'll put a pic from the game. Instinctively I'd like to put the one where she's looking away and blurry, but I'll just add a real one. When you have weight issues, it's never an easy thing to take pictures next to your fit friends.

I hope your weekend includes spending some time with your "Amy." Friendships are one of the very best things in life.
I'd better get a move on. Brian and I have actually kind of figured out our day, and he's anxious for me to quit writing, so we can get a move on. We have a good day planned, and I'm glad we'll have some time for just the two of us. Although it is tempting to plan every minute around the teenager...haha.