Yesterday was day 2 of the anxiety meds. They make me way sleepy. I made myself work on X-Mas packages, though, once I dropped the boys off at school. I worked for 5 straight hours and still have a shit load to do. I was able to get packages off to AK, WA, and CO, though. With each box, I'd get excited. Getting closer to the end. I've got to get back on it today, though. It looks like Christmas threw up all over my living and dining room. I've got shipping boxes, large envelopes, X-Mas cards, pictures, frames, wrapped gifts, advent calendars, X-Mas candy for the boxes, stuff to donate to charity, and unfinished stuff all over the place. It looks Santa ransacked our house. Oh well. It's kinda fun! I want to get most of the way through it today. I've got a bit of a busy day, though (well, for me anyway). My plan is to go to the club this morning and do treadmill then weights. After that I'm meeting a new friend, Belinda for lunch. I've only met her once before, but she seems cool. It was nice of her to invite me out. I'll compare finding new friends again to dating. You hope they like you, and I hope I like them enough to want to hang out again. All of this is contingent on the anxiety pill that is trying to put me to sleep right now. Hope I can fight it off. While in town, I'll also p/u my new head meds. Should be an interesting day.
***Okay, I need to tell you about my lunch. This lady is the doppelganger to Margaret (in personality!) She is just like M. It was so weird... She laughs the same way, everything. By the end of lunch, I even started to think that she looked like her. It was so bizarre. Anyway, it was a good luch, but
Thinking of you all.
Much love, Jen
p.s. The diet is going so-so. I start strong, and then don't do so well at lunch, and then don't eat enough at dinner. I need to work on this.