It's Sunday morning, which is usually my favorite time of week. This week is a little off as Caleb's been pretty sick since Wed. Brian was home with him on Wed and Thurs, and I stayed home with him on Fri. Cal has strep throat, and has been on antibiotics since Thurs. He wasn't responding to them, so I took him back in yesterday. The Dr put him on a different antibiotic, and Cal tells me this morning, his throat still hurts the same. He is drinking better, so I think he is doing better than he thinks. It's just probably hard to tell when you feel like shit. Hoping this next round in a few hours will make a huge difference. Patient Zero has been quarantined in our bedroom going on five days now. I've been in and out trying to get laundry out of there this morning and doing little things. I don't want to do the major stuff until he knows he's feeling better, though. Here's hoping it's today!
The dreariness of the winter is catching up with me these days. I'm dreaming of sun. My friend Marie and I did get out hiking yesterday, though. It was cold, so at least the ground was frozen. It was much easier to walk on this week, than last. Once again, hiking to save the day. It really helps so much, with everything. I stole Jesse's bff, so she could go hiking with us, too. I'm so glad I did. They had such a ball running around together. I should go hiking again, but I don't have that drive to get out there on my own today. I'll probably take the dogs walking in the neighborhood. I've been back and forth as to how to get my steps in as the snow lightly drizzles out there, and it's butt ass cold. I do enjoy that so much more than being in a gym, though.
A coworker of mine (who actually just gave his notice to do construction full-time) is finishing up the painting in our living room and hallway this morning. Spending the money to have someone else do something I should be doing, was a hard trigger to pull. We have been in this house for 14 months now, and something had to be done. I'll do the rest of the painting, but I knew he would do a better job than I would in those tricky areas. I'm really, really thrilled with it. It would have been nice if I didn't have a giant unexpected vehicle bill at the same time, but the car situation could've been really catastrophic. I just keep thinking about that and glad nobody was hurt. I can live with a shop bill. I couldn't live with something happening to my family.
I worked really hard the week going into this last weigh-in. I'm not sure if my body wasn't responding because it's going through a little plateau, I need to change things up, or if it was because of that time of month. Ah and that time of month-who the fuck knows when that really is. I stopped spotting yesterday. It didn't come, but who knows...what tomorrow will bring. Last time I spotted for 7 weeks after my "period." I don't know if I should go on the regular pill instead of this three month thing or what. I do know that my hormones are better being on the pill, however. Anyway, I lost two pounds last week. I worked hard for those two pounds. I feel pretty good about it. I know I have such a long way to go, but I truly am enjoying clothing continuing to get bigger on me. I have a couple of things on now that I'm swimming in, that were things I couldn't wear all that long ago. I wish things could be faster...I do...but in order for the weight to come off fast, I need to do more than I'm doing. There are a number of things I can improve on. The gal I weigh-in with always says I'm too hard on myself. I have to be, though. The girl who wasn't hard enough on herself when it came to discipline, the girl who said she'd start tomorrow, the girl who thought she deserved to eat whatever...was sixty pounds heavier and very sick. I feel like the weight loss is moving at a snail's pace these days, but I'm still going in the right direction. I do need to kick it up, though. It's way too early in the process to become complacent. I have a long way to go. But for now, I think about the 8 pounds I need to get down to that next number.
My Auntie Clara has talked to me about the benefits of taking apple cider vinegar for years now. For the past twenty years or so, she has taken a shot of it every morning. It works for her, so I started doing the same thing on Monday. Holy shit that stuff is gross. Some days are easier than others to shoot it, but taking it on an empty stomach is a little rough. My tummy does not like it. It gets better once I start drinking my smoothie or eat something, though. I like the idea of getting my metabolism started with it first thing. If my tummy doesn't get better with it by this time next week, I'll have to change the time of day I take it. I will continue to take it regardless. The health benefits of ACV are simply tremendous.
I should get a move on. I've got to walk the dogs and meet up with a friend for a little bit, later. I need to enjoy the last day of this weekend before the new week calls. I'm now on the countdown to a three day weekend to celebrate my birthday. The mini-vaca is coming up in less than three weeks. I really wanted to be down into that next number by then, but I don't think that's going to happen. I'll give it a good effort and be happy with whatever, though. Anyway, the countdown to vacation, will make these next work weeks easier. I will say that the biggest reason I chose where we are going is the hiking opportunities. I pray the weather works out for us, but having hiking play such a big part in what I do for my birthday is pretty big for me. I'm so very happy that my mind is in this place. Oh, and I'm getting a massage, too. My body is in desperate need. This is a lot of weight to be pulling up and down these trails.
Hope you all are enjoying your Sunday. Make the most of it.