Today will be a fairly busy day for me. Well, busy as in "Walnut" busy. It would be nothing compared to my life in the 'Couv. But hey, it's nice not to have to worry about getting stuff to the schools, picking them up for trick or treating at my work, etc., all while trying to get an honest days work in. I'm going to enjoy today. I finally did some Halloween decorating last night. I put out Halloween place mats for the boys this morning for breakfast, but they didn't make any remark about them. Hmmm....think they are spoiled? I do. I do miss my old house for decorating, though. I have a bunch of things that went into specific places on the front porch. There isn't room for most of it here. Oh well, maybe next year we'll be settled somewhere, where I feel I can make new traditions, knowing we'll be there for a while.
Have a great Halloween. Best of luck trying to stay away from all that dreaded candy. If you're going to partake, make sure it's worth it. Don't much on that candy corn bullshit, when you can enjoy a fancy piece of chocolate or something.
Oh, and I noticed it was the end of the month so I got my fat ass on the scale this morning. 202 lbs. I know I lost a little weight this week. I can feel it in my stomach. I didn't do it the healthiest of ways, but I'll take it. Usually stress causes me to gain, so I can't bitch about losing a few. Long way to go, but I'm on my way.
8:00 Smoothie (soy milk, banana, spinach, strawberries)
Oh, mother fucker. Turned into a very poor day of eating...
12:30 12" tuna sandwich from Subway w/, some Lays chips and Diet Coke
7:00 Some Kraft Mac and Cheese, Diet Dr. Pepper
8:15 Big piece of pumpkin pie w/ whip cream.... Ugh.
1 hour 45 mins. of raking & bagging leaves (I'm not even 1/5 of the way done)