I've been thinking a lot about the fat that's all over my body...and I really need to start treating my obesity as a disease.... I'm a food addict. It's my crutch for fucking everything. I've been better the past two days than I've been in quite some time, but nowhere close to what "good" is. One step at a time? Ah, that's bullshit at this point. I'm at an embarrassing weight. Last night watching the NCAA football championship game, the announcers kept talking about how huge the Ohio State quarterback is (250 lbs). They'd go on and on about it. This morning. Howard Stern (old interview) was ripping Benjy for being 235 lbs, referring to him as a pig. Yeah....well, this gal weighs more than those guys. Fattity, fat, fat, fat... But my eyes are opening. They are....opening.... I've been talking to some people lately about what weight gain means to them and how it happens....It's really touched some nerves. For the first time in my life, I could truly relate to some of the things they said. They have the same "illness." Time to tackle this cunt..
I hope this day finds you well and reaching for your dreams.