known…. It used to be, that I knew it was getting close, not because of all of the crazy pains, bloating, and hormone antics, but because I’d get horny. Maybe I’ve got this whole “uncorking” thing wrong. Maybe it’s just because I always felt that need right before it decided to arrive. And back in the day, my periods could go miss a month or two, or arrive every 45 days or what have you. They were never “normal” unless I was on the pill. But after I had Caleb, low and behold, they started actually coming around the same time every month. So, I guess I should’ve figured it out yesterday when I knew that I was going to have to have some loving last night that the crazy bitch would cock block me. And she did. But I guess I can’t use horniness as a guide, since as I’ve gotten older,
that’s definitely ramped up….just a little bit. So after what seemed to be about 10 days of PMS, you’d think I’d be so relieved to have it here. And I am. However, I have a mammogram today. Now, sore period boobs, and the masher probably aren’t going to make for a good time. My boobs hurt just thinking about it.
We all really did have a nice weekend. Well, except for Brian. He was on-call this weekend, and ended up having to work most of the day yesterday. We were bummed, but at the same time, you always want to take o.t. when it comes your way. So, we’re glad for that part of it. I was pretty busy with the boys and
their going ons throughout the day. I did have plenty of time to watch football, though. Man, I love it. And hot damn! Wasn't it awesome when the
Seahawks beat the Cowboys?! Love, love, love it. I was the only one to pick them in our pool. But it looks like I’ll take 2nd for the 2nd week in a row. MOFO. No $ for 2nd….unless it’s at the end of the season. But who couldn’t use $110? I had grand ideas of stowing it away like a squirrel stows a nut (as my friend says, when she refers to her saving of money). Tonight my man Peyton Manning plays, too. I love to watch him play. He’s my
favorite player in the league right now. But you know what? If my 16 y/o self knew that my 40 y/o self would be cheering on the Broncos. She’d probably kick the shit out of this old lady and scream, WTF? Well, actually yell, what the fuck, since we didn’t have cool short hand texting lingo back then. And she would’ve been right. No self-respecting Seahawks fan should be cheering
for the Broncos.
So, I know I’m still in my midlife crisis type mood. I’ve been overthinking
everything: especially career wise. I have a pretty good job. I just wish I loved it. I wish it was a passion. I need to get my priorities straight. Ah, ONJ just came on…so love her. Anyway, I need to quit thinking about what I need to do and actually do it. Kind of like with my diet, too. I feel like a failure in epic
proportions in many ways right now. I’ve got to get a grip! But I guess I won’t beat myself up too much today, as I am hemorrhaging, and do have to get my swollen D & C cups (while swollen) squished today, and pat myself on the back for still being soda free. If I can do that, I can do anything, right ; ) Oh damn, my boobs hurt just thinking about it.
We all know I have a hard time focusing and usually like to have a couple of things going on. In the course of a work day, I usually chat with a couple of my friends, online. I love it. Makes the day go by so much faster. One of my PIC’s is starting a new job today, so she’ll be unavailable for a while. And the other, is doing computer training, that has her travelling all week, and will for the most part of a year. She’ll be in and out so much, she’ll never have time for chit chat. So, my grown up friends are leaving me behind. Lol Maybe I could learn something from them….
If I walk into a room, I rarely do what I intended to do right off the bat. I’ll see something out of place and have to clean it up or whatever. Sometimes I’ll leave the room not having ever accomplished what I walked in there for, anyway. Well, yesterday I walked through the kitchen, on my way to the
bathroom. I noticed a couple of dishes that needed to get in the dishwasher and as soon as I started the water, I had to go real bad. But I thought, WTF, this is all mental, do the f’ing dishes. Well, I think we all know how that ended. I literally pissed my pants. Not just a leak. I peed ‘em pretty good by the time I actually started the 10’ to the bathroom. Nice…nice…nice. Can I blame my period? I think I will. So, that’s where today’s title “Depends” came from. At least I crack myself up.
Hope you all are having a great Monday
Oh, I heard this, this morning. It's not the greatest song of all time, but it is Fleetwood Mac: one of my all time favorite bands. And Lindsey did write it: one of my all time favorite men. Suitable for a Monday Morning. (This is for you Jo, my soul mate in all things Fleetwood Mac related ; )
Written by lindsey
Monday morning you look so fine
Friday I got travelin on my mind
First you love me, then you fade away
I can't go on believin' this way
I got nothing but love for you
So tell me what you really wanna do
First you love me then you get on down the line
But I don't mind.
I dont't mind
I'll be there if you want me to
No one else that could ever do
Got to get some
peace in my mind.
Monday morning you look so fine
Friday I got travelin on my mind
First you love me then you say it's wrong
I can't go on believing for long
But you know it's true
You only want
me when I get over you
First you love me then you get on down the line
But I don't mind
I don't mind
I'll be there if you
want me to
No one else that
could ever do
Got to get
some peace in my mind