My mouth is getting a lot better. It's still a little sore, but what a world of difference a couple of days has made.
I woke up in the worst mood this morning. I haven't been sleeping well the past week or so, and it's definitely catching up to me. Anyway, I was Miss Cranky Pants all over the house this morning. I knew I had lot of errands today, so I started w/ the gym, hoping to put myself in a better frame of mind. It certainly worked. I worked out hard. While working out, I even decided to go to a movie, when I was done. After all, I was heading to a "city." I saw, "The Vow." It was okay. I love Rachel McAdams (solely b/c of The Notebook), and Channing Tatum isn't hard to look at. He's got the greatest body, but for some reason, when I look at him, I see someone that isn't very smart. I'm sure I'm totally off on that, but it kinda ruins him for me. But then again, there's that body....he wouldn't be a for sure "k" in f/m/k.
From there, I was off to get the oil changed in Brian's car (otherwise it would never get done....), and off to Pet Smart and Walmart (all in "the city.") I started the day being resentful of the fact that I would be running all of the errands by myself (as I spend all day, while the kids are in school). I couldn't talk Brian into getting a sitter and coming w/ me, and that bummed me out. I wanted to see, if my body (mostly knee) would allow me to play racquetball. I'm totally jonesing to play. But he wanted to stay home... As it turned out, going to the movie, really kinda made it a special day for me. I've swallowed my resentment :)
So, there's an actual band playing at the bar in town. My friend tells me they are really good. I think I'm going to check 'em out. If I do, it'll be the first alcohol I've had in nearly 2 mos. Wow. For a fat chick, I'm sure to be a lightweight. So, I thought I better get this blog entry done, just in case, drinking plays w/ my memory (as everything seems to these days). Hope you guys are having an awesome Sat.
Be safe,
9:00 Smoothie (water, flax seed, mixed fruit, strawberries, and a banana)
1:00 "The Haymound Sandwich" on wheat: bunch of veggies, mostly sprouts, and then black olives, cucumber, etc. I went w/ no oil and vinegar, and thought I was being smart by going w/ Miracle Whip, until I glanced over as he was pouring it on there. There's a bunch of fat, I didn't count on.
6:15 A bowl of cauliflower soup (see recipe), and a "super greens" salad w/ lite honey mustard dressing, and a soda water.
7:45 Pear
8:45 (2) + 2/3 bottles of Coors Light
Glider machine 40 mins (370 hard earned calories burned)