Today has been really great for many reasons, including the above. I was able to get a good mix of work and social in at work today. I'd also set up a pot luck lunch for us. I was going out on a little bit of a limb, as Marie and I are the only women that work in that building, but I'll be damned if those boys didn't come through. In fact, when I got in this morning, 2 of the guys were cleaning and mopping the kitchen. Let me tell you....that doesn't happen often. It really is a pit. There was a great mix of food from my chili cheese dip to chicken w/ stuffing w/ "egg gravy," homemade chili, fried chicken, cheese and meat trays, other hot dishes, desserts, and a super cool "avalanche pepperment cake" that one of the guys girlfriends found on pinterest. It was simply outstanding. Although, we were worried that it might cause some sharting from Marie. She'd hit the cake hard. Thus, the IM's between us were mostly about anal leakage, sharts, burps and so on. Those guys are so lucky that they work with such a couple of classy broads!
Brian was off today, because of the impending blizzard. The winds would be too high for them to work all day. It worked out good, since the boys had early release because of the weather. About 2, Brian called me and told me I'd better start home, the storm had hit Byron. I won't lie: it was nice leaving work early. All the way around. A great work day! Once I got home, I took a nap. Undoubtedly it was helped by the insane amount of food I had at the pot luck. God, I suck....
Brian made dinner for the boys, but I'm still stuffed. I'm sitting here in the room writing this, while listening to the storm outside. It really is quite crazy. It started snowing today and it's not super heavy, but it's terribly windy. It really is white out like conditions with it all swirling around out there. I had Brian p/u some peppermint schnapps to add to cocoa later, once the boys go to bed. I'd love to just sit and watch the storm. Brian has other plans, though. He says he has to lay the wood down on me hard, since tomorrow's the end of the world. I said, if it's end of the world sex, it'd better be crazy. haha.
Ah yes, speaking of my husband....his sports page from the newspaper has been on the floor of the bathroom since Sun (it's now Thurs). I refuse to pick it up. I pick every other thing up in this house, but sometimes I draw the line on something like this. I was certain with him being off today, it would get picked up...I was wrong. The fucking paper is still on the bathroom floor. This kind of shit makes me bat shit crazy! Not outwardly, as I hold almost everything in, but it makes my blood boil. I feel like it's disrespectful to me to expect me to clean up after him.
Oops, got to go. A friend just text me to call them. I've got a great song for tomorrow, though. It's my new Pink obsession, if you can imagine that.
Much Love,