The boys had 4 hours of daycamp today, so I made a little trek into Peru and had lunch (not ideal), and then saw a movie: Crazy, Stupid Love. It was cute. It was sooo nice to have some time to myself. Love my kids to death, but it's non-stop. You know what I'm talking about! Anyway, I could have done much better w/ my diet today, but considering that ALL day I wanted eat, eat, and eat, bad, bad foods, I'm fairly proud of myself.
Oh yeah, tomorrow Brian and I are going to walk a 10k (thank God he's choosing to walking it w/ me, when he's completely capable of running it). I have a million reservations about this, but it's for a friend's charity. I know I will be last and also the fattest person there.... Anyhoo, wish me luck :) And I hope you know that by wish me luck, I'd like you to wish that there will be slower, heavier gals there than me.
8:00 Got up. I actually slept fairly well last night. Yee-Haw!
8:30 2 boiled eggs w/ toast and blueberries. I meant to do egg whites only, but Dummy here must not have let them cool enough before throwing them in the fridge overnight. A lot of the white came off, so I even ate the yolks. If I would've been thinking, I would've only had 1.
9:00 Took Junior for 1 mile walk
11:30 Went to a Mexican Restaurant (by myself..I'm finally able to do things on my own at the prime age of 39 :) I ate some of the damn chips w/ salsa. I should've asked them not to bring it. I also had an avocado tostada (full avocado, lettuce, tomato, salasa, and cheese (I tried to pick most of it off). Man, I love cheese.... Oh yeah, 2 Diet RC's
4:45 Way too long in between meals.... 1/2 Veggie Delight sub on wheat. I got it w/ all of their veggies, heavy on the spinach, no cheese, sweet onion sauce.
6:00 Cup of homemade Vegan chili
6:30 Caffeine free Diet Coke