I had my mammogram the other day. As always, it was a stressful process. They took a long hard look at my lump, and then got me right in for an ultrasound. The last time they did this, I ended up with a biopsy. I knew this lump was bigger than the other one, so I was a bit freaked out. Thankfully, the lump is just a benign cyst. I love that they can tell this without having to do anything too invasive. I don't have to go back for a year. What a relief!
A friend that I grew up with is getting married in Seattle in a couple of weeks. It's a really small wedding, so I feel honored to have been invited. My friends Caity and Kara are going to fly in for it, and I probably will, too. I've got a lot of planning to do, though. It's a long way to go, and if I go, I want to make the most out of my time. The Seahawks are playing the Broncos the day after the wedding, but I shutter to think of what those tickets are going for! How cool would that be, though? Anyway, I still have some more thought to put into the trip, before fully commiting. I already miss the Northwest so much.... Of course more than anything, though, it would be nice to see my friend get married. It's her first, and she and her man make a wonderful couple!
I've eaten much better the past few days. Yesterday, I was even completely vegan. I had some moo shoo shrimp tonight, though :( I'm taking it all one day at a time, though. I may had fucked up my dinner tonight, but the rest of the day was great (except I didn't eat enough, which led to the Chinese....) I'll learn from my mistakes from today and hopefully not make the same mistake tomorrow. I really want to be healthier. I truly do.... I'm also at nearly 11,000 steps for the day. I've been doing really well with the walking, lately. A friend had invited me to go horseback riding today. I declined, because I honestly didn't know if I could get myself up on the saddle. I could see myself putting my bad leg up into the stirrup and trying to pull myself up. It's not pretty.... I then thought about how my weight has affected my athleticism...and I wasn't sure my balance would be great. I'm so ashamed of how far gone I let myself get. However, I now have a new goal, and that's to get to a point where I'd feel comfortable getting up on that horse. It's one of many goals I've set for myself. I feel like I'm missing out on life, and I don't want to....
I hope you all have a great weekend! We'll probably just stay close to home (what else is new?), but I'm glad to be able to spend time with Brian and the boys. Brian's not even on-call this weekend! And hey, Aunt Flow might even be leaving tomorrow... Fucking period has been HORRIBLE. I'm strongly considering getting a shot or going on the pill. This is ridiculous. So, here's a light flow weekend! haha. Once again, enjoy your weekend. I hope it's all you're wanting.