Hi All! I'm actually re-typing this from my hand written notes from the plane to Vegas. I'm very happy to say that I lost 2 lbs. 14 oz. this week. That's the good news. The bad is, I'm drinking those lbs. back as I write. Actually, it's not too bad...I'm just drinking light beer, so that doesn't really count, does it? My food choices today have been smart, considering the options I've had. It's taken me this long to get to pre-40 weight, so I'm really going to try and not totally blow it over these few days.
It's so surreal looking down at the clouds and the ground from, I'm guessing 35,000 feet. If you're reading this, the odds are pretty good that you know me and know that I've not always been a good flyer (that's an understatement). And those who know me best, know why. Along with that, I'm also, very obviously a control freak, and also afraid of heights. It's been funny, though, lately. I've actually enjoyed flying. Even though it's been windier than shit, I've sat back today and thoroughly enjoyed it, for what it is. By that, I don't mean the final destination. I mean, everything is utterly and completely out of my control. I don't have to worry about keeping this bird in the sky. Although, I must admit, I do always watch for the flaps to go back in, then I relax. For a while, in college, I used to get this calmness, while flying, too. Well, that is until a plane I was on was hit by lightning. I was flying w/ the Myers sisters. Erin and I nearly shit our pants, while Erika looked at us, and said flatly, I don't feel like I'm going to die in a plane. Wow. That's always struck me. I love that about her. She's way more secure of a person than she gives herself credit for. I find myself missing her during this flight. I wish she were able to meet up with us in Vegas. We may not always be the best at keeping in touch, but we are lucky to have what we have. She's my one and only "Maid of Honor." In saying that, I just had to check for a colonial woman on the wing. Nope, she's not there. (Dear God, I hope you got that reference. If not, you're missing out on one of the funniest movies EVER).
Where is that beer cart? I've got Diana Ross going on the iPod.
I have to say that I'm so very thankful for all that I have in my life. But, let me tell you...I'm so grateful for this little break from reality. Today, I hung up Brian's coat, that he throws on the chair about 4' from the coat closet. (I actually spent 2 hours moving the closets and contents, so it would be closer for him to actually put his coat away, once he lets Junior out). But instead of using the perfectly placed closet, he still throws it on that damn chair every time. It drives my freaking nuts. I also cleaned up piss off the bathroom floor, no doubt left from my children. I watched Junior eat his own dog shit, as he will every time he can get away with it anymore. And among a dozen other things, I cleaned the the toothpaste gunk off of the sink. As I said before, I love my life, but I'm so glad to have a little break from these things that make me crazy.
Oh yay! Beer card. Until tomorrow my friends.