Happy 4th of July weekend! Hopefully you got a three day holiday out of it. What a difference and extra day makes, right?! I had Friday off, and I can't tell you how much I needed it. After an excruciatingly long week at work (between plant shut down-oh, and them taking streaming music away from us), it felt wonderful to just sleep in and have an easy going morning. The sun also finally made an appearance. Oh, how I'd missed the sun. I was able to get some weeding done in that jungle of a garden I have. I'm not shitting you. We are total white trash. After hours, it still doesn't look great. It was a perfect way to spend the afternoon, though. I had a couple of glasses of hard apple cider (apparently my age is turning me into a total pussy), and I was able to stream my Mom's Fourth of July radio show from Alaska. I always love that show. It's just some great American music and talk of all of the activities around town. I also love that when Mom is doing a promo for one of the local bars, she says, "Speaking of Rayme's, my baby girl, Brooke has been spending a lot of time down there." Bahaha. Then goes on to tell a story about Brooke partying and plays a song for her, because she knows if she doesn't, "Kim is going to kill me." (Kim is Brooker's bff from way back when and has become part of the family). I love it. Mom also played a couple of Nitty Gritty Dirt Band songs for me, and talked about how I was going to the concert that night. Really, it was wonderful.
That night (the 3rd) Caleb had a makeup baseball game. (Over half of their games have been rained out this year). Brian's working, and Ryno (who until today, I'd only seen for an hour and a half past few days, due to his busy social life-haha) was at a sleepover, so I took Cal early for warm-ups. Usually, I watch the warm-ups, and I'm by myself. But since I had the concert that night, I took the liberty of filling up a Roadie of hard apple cider to enjoy in my car during the warm-ups. It was a great half an hour. Time to myself, James Taylor blasting, a couple of good friends texting.... Anyway, I wasn't worried about "smelling of alcohol" because I figured it was cider and I didn't recognize the smell of it. But still, I knew there was a chance, and I figured I'd sit alone for the half hour of the game I was able to watch (before my friends picked me up for the concert-and another Mom was set to drive Cal home after the game). Great plan, right? So, I catch a nice little buzz, and I walk over to the game, where I promptly met by one of Caleb's coaches (it's a husband-wife team). She gets real close to my face to tell me that Caleb was on the ground during warm-ups, and when she went to find out why, he said his ear hurt. She said there as a giant mosquito stuck on his ear, and when she pulled it out, blood went all over her hand. Poor kiddo. He hates bugs more than anything. He says the bugs are the only reason he wouldn't be able to make it on Naked and Afraid. LOL So, Coach and I had an in depth discussion about six inches from one another, face to face. No breath mint. Just a wild guess, but I'm quite certain she could smell it. Yes, once again MOTY (as my friends like to say for, Mother of the Year).
I went to the concert with our friends, the "Lambo's" and met up with my friend Marie. We also hung out with a couple of my coworkers for a while. Oh man, did I get pretty lit. I had so much fun, I just kept thinking, why don't I drink anymore? Don't worry-I remembered all too well the next day ;) NGDB put on a fantastic show! I forgot they sang, American Dream which is also such a great, great song. We all had a ball. Plus, we were in the V.I.P. tent, which always makes everything better. It wasn't really legit, as I was trading passes with my coworker who had them (so, I got Marie in), and the Lambo's had their own. It was fun to, as Lambo kept singing, Breaking the Law, Breaking the Law. We weren't really, but it always makes it more fun to think you're getting away with something-no matter what age you are.
We all hung out for a while, and had a couple of drinks, after the show. Marie and I had a great talk about getting our focus and health back. It really was an inspired drunken conversation. Aren't those the best? I'm glad to say that I'm ready. I really had been working up to it, and that convo, along with my Vegas buddies now having Fit Bits, and us keeping tabs on each other has gone a long way. After we picked Ryne up this morning (from yet another slumber party), I took the boys and Jesse to the park for a walk. It felt so good to be out there, (minus knee pain-extra weight doesn't help), but Jesse literally laid down in the grass a little less than a mile into it (it was warm) as if to say, I've had enough Mom. So, I'll try it again tonight. She and I both need to get into shape. I'm sure watching the Women play for the World Cup will also be inspiring. I feel good.... I feel really good in a lot of ways.
The Fourth was a nice day. I took the boys to breakfast (in between shuttling Ryne between parties), and then Cal and I went to a BBQ at the Lambo's house. We are so lucky to have them hear. They always invite me to her family stuff, and I always have a great time.
So, as I'm writing all of this-I got an email from my editor. She really liked the submission I wrote for her. In her words, "We're gonna have a book!" I can't tell you how great that feels-to hear something like that from someone I respect so much. It gives me the energy I need to go back and work on mine. I'm so glad I didn't know how much would go into writing this book (time, money, energy, a million things), before I started, because I probably wouldn't have done it. Only a crazy person does something like this right? So, I should get back to the book. I could ramble and procrastinate forever.
Oh, and I'll add a video from my friend Penny and Tracy (The Allen Sisters). Mom played it, and it was a great reminder to me to start listening to their C.D.'s again. They are so talented, and the thing I missed most about not being home this year, was listening to them play in Elks beer garden. It's never anything that's announced. Family and friends gather, and it really is a treat of all treats. This song is....home. (I know everyone in this video, and just watching it made me smile. But what made me smile most was seeing my friend Carly in Mom Jeans :)
Much Love,